Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express
Key Features
- Half-size four lane PCIe board
- Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies
- Two independent Fibre Channel ports
- Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers
- Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds
- Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames
- Full Error Injection and Detection
- IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation
- In-line Port Configuration for Transparent Analyzer
- Supports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV
- Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software