ARINC 664 Part 7 PXI Express Test & Simulation Instrument
Key Features
- Supports IEEE 802.3 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Full-Duplex Ethernet links
- Utilizes SFPs to support both copper and optical interfaces
- Simulates multiple ARINC 664 End Systems
- VL traffic shaping and input VL redundancy management
- Supports up to 4K Output VLs and 4K Input VLs
- Supports up to 16K Sampling & Queuing output message ports and up to 16K input Sampling & Queuing message ports
- ARINC 653, UDP, IP protocols managed onboard
- IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder
- Automatic message sequencing & periodic data generated onboard
- Error Injection including Runt Frames, Short IFG, and Invalid MAC FCS
- Device driver support: Windows, Linux, LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request)
- Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
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