Why choose RapiTest?

• Requirements-based testing for Ada, C & C++ on-host & target
• Reduce test authoring effort through easy-to-use test formats
• Manage project artifacts with requirements traceability
• Simplify verification through integration with your CI tool
• Produce evidence for DO-178 and ISO 26262 certification

Requirements-based testing for Ada, C & C++ on-host & target

By automating test harness generation, execution, and results collection, RapiTest reduces the effort needed to apply requirements-based tests to your code. Flexible integration strategies ensure efficient
verification, regardless of your target hardware.
RapiTest makes it easy to test your code in ways that other tools don’t, automatically handling testing for code elements such as private types and generics, and letting you write multithreaded tests that help you
identify race conditions in your code.

Reduce test authoring effort through easy-to-use test formats

We believe that your time should be spent writing more tests, not debugging them. RapiTest makes it easy to write and review your tests through simple and easy-to-use testing formats. While easy to use, these let you
write complex tests including structures such as loops or multithreading with ease.
It’s easy to get started writing tests for RapiTest with our range of tutorials, extensive documentation, and hands-on training.